Source code for mal.api

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
#   Python Script
#   Copyright © Manoel Vilela

# stdlib
import re
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime

# 3rd party
import requests
from decorating import animated

# self-package
from mal.utils import checked_connection, checked_regex
from mal import setup

[docs]class MyAnimeList(object): """Does all the actual communicating with the MAL api.""" base_url = '' user_agent = ('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) ' 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/34.0.1847.116 Safari/537.36') status_names = { 1: 'watching', 2: 'completed', 3: 'on hold', 4: 'dropped', 6: 'plan to watch', # not a typo 7: 'rewatching' # this not exists in API } # check list function about 'rewatching' # reverse of status_names dict status_codes = {v: k for k, v in status_names.items()} def __init__(self, username, password, date_format=setup.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT): self.username = username self.password = password self.date_format = date_format
[docs] @checked_connection @animated('validating login') def validate_login(self): r = requests.get( self.base_url + '/account/verify_credentials.xml', auth=(self.username, self.password), headers={'User-Agent': self.user_agent} ) return r.status_code
[docs] @classmethod def login(cls, config): """Create an instante of MyAnimeList and log it in.""" username = config[setup.LOGIN_SECTION]['username'] password = config[setup.LOGIN_SECTION]['password'] date_format = config[setup.CONFIG_SECTION]['date_format'] mal = cls(username, password, date_format) # 401 = unauthorized if mal.validate_login() == 401: return None return mal
[docs] @checked_connection @animated('searching in database') def search(self, query): payload = dict(q=query) r = requests.get( self.base_url + '/anime/search.xml', params=payload, auth=(self.username, self.password), headers={'User-Agent': self.user_agent} ) if (r.status_code == 204): return [] elements = ET.fromstring(r.text) return [dict((attr.tag, attr.text) for attr in el) for el in elements]
[docs] @checked_connection @animated('preparing animes') def list(self, status='all', type='anime', extra=False, stats=False, user=None): username = self.username if not user else user payload = dict(u=username, status=status, type=type) r = requests.get( '', params=payload, headers={'User-Agent': self.user_agent} ) if "_Incapsula_Resource" in r.text: raise RuntimeError("Request blocked by Incapsula protection") result = dict() for raw_entry in ET.fromstring(r.text): entry = dict((attr.tag, attr.text) for attr in raw_entry) # anime information if 'series_animedb_id' in entry: entry_id = int(entry['series_animedb_id']) result[entry_id] = { 'id': entry_id, 'title': entry['series_title'], 'episode': int(entry['my_watched_episodes']), 'status': int(entry['my_status']), 'score': int(entry['my_score']), 'total_episodes': int(entry['series_episodes']), 'rewatching': int(entry['my_rewatching'] or 0), 'status_name': self.status_names[int(entry['my_status'])], } # if was rewatching, so the status_name is rewatching if result[entry_id]['rewatching']: result[entry_id]['status_name'] = 'rewatching' # add extra info about anime if needed if extra: extra_info = { 'start_date': self._fdate(entry['my_start_date']), 'finish_date': self._fdate(entry['my_finish_date']), 'tags': entry['my_tags'] } result[entry_id].update(extra_info) # user stats if stats and 'user_id' in entry: result['stats'] = {} # copy entry dict to result['stats'] without all the 'user_' for k, v in entry.items(): result['stats'][k.replace('user_', '')] = v return result
def _fdate(self, date, api_format='%Y-%m-%d'): """Format date based on the user config format""" if any(int(s) == 0 for s in date.split('-')): return date return datetime.strptime(date, api_format).strftime(self.date_format)
[docs] @checked_regex @animated('matching animes') def find(self, regex, status='all', extra=False, user=None): result = [] for value in self.list(status, extra=extra, user=user).values(): if, value['title'], re.I): result.append(value) return result
[docs] @checked_connection @animated('updating') def update(self, item_id, entry, action="update"): tree = ET.Element('entry') for key, val in entry.items(): ET.SubElement(tree, key).text = str(val) encoded = ET.tostring(tree).decode('utf-8') xml_item = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + encoded payload = {'data': xml_item} r = self.base_url + '/animelist/{}/'.format(action) + str(item_id) + '.xml', data=payload, auth=(self.username, self.password), headers={'User-Agent': self.user_agent} ) return r.status_code