Source code for mal.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
#   Python Script
#   Copyright © Manoel Vilela

# stdlib
import os
import sys
import math
import html
import tempfile
import subprocess
from operator import itemgetter
from datetime import date

# self-package
from mal.api import MyAnimeList
from mal.utils import print_error
from mal import color

[docs]def report_if_fails(response): if response != 200: print(color.colorize("Failed with HTTP: {}".format(response), 'red'))
[docs]def select_item(items): """Select a single item from a list of results.""" item = None if len(items) > 1: # ambigious search results print(color.colorize('Multiple results:', 'cyan')) # show user the results and make them choose one for index, title in enumerate(map(itemgetter('title'), items)): print('{index}: {title}'.format_map(locals())) index = int(input('Which one? ')) item = items[index] elif len(items) == 1: item = items[0] else: print(color.colorize("No matches in list ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ", 'red')) sys.exit(1) return item
[docs]def start_end(entry, episode, total_episodes): """Fill details of anime if user just started it or finished it.""" if total_episodes == episode: entry['status'] = MyAnimeList.status_codes['completed'] entry['date_finish'] ='%m%d%Y') print(color.colorize('Series completed!', 'green')) # set/change score user_score = input( 'Enter new score (leave blank to keep score at {}): '.format( entry.get('score', 0)) ).strip() if user_score: # do nothing if blank answer try: entry['score'] = int(user_score) except ValueError: print(color.colorize('Invalid score.', 'red')) elif episode == 1: entry['status'] = MyAnimeList.status_codes['watching'] entry['date_start'] ='%m%d%Y') return entry
[docs]def remove_completed(items): # remove animes that are already completed # preserves (rewatching) for index, status in enumerate(map(itemgetter('status_name'), items)): if status == 'completed': del items[index] return items
[docs]def progress_update(mal, regex, inc): items = remove_completed(mal.find(regex)) item = select_item(items) # also handles ambigious searches episode = item['episode'] + inc entry = dict(episode=episode, score=item.get('score', 0)) template = { 'title': color.colorize(item['title'], 'yellow', 'bold'), 'episode': color.colorize(episode, 'red' if inc < 1 else 'green'), 'total_episodes': color.colorize(item['total_episodes'], 'cyan'), 'procedure': color.procedure_color(inc) } print(('{procedure} progress for {title} to ' '{episode}/{total_episodes}'.format_map(template))) entry = start_end(entry, episode, item['total_episodes']) response = mal.update(item['id'], entry) report_if_fails(response)
[docs]def drop(mal, regex): """Drop a anime based a regex expression""" items = remove_completed(mal.find(regex)) item = select_item(items) entry = dict(status=mal.status_codes['dropped']) old_status = mal.status_names[item['status']] template = { 'title': color.colorize(item['title'], 'yellow', 'bold'), 'old-status': color.colorize(old_status, 'green', 'bold'), 'action': color.colorize('Dropping', 'red', 'bold') } print(('{action} anime {title} from list ' '{old-status}'.format_map(template))) response = mal.update(item['id'], entry) report_if_fails(response)
[docs]def add(mal, regex, status="plan to watch"): """Add an entry to the user list.""" results = selected = select_item(results) print("Adding {title} to list as '{status}'".format( title=color.colorize(selected["title"], "yellow", "bold"), status=status) ) mal.update( selected["id"], {"status": mal.status_codes[status]}, action="add" )
[docs]def stats(mal, username=None): """Print user anime stats.""" # get all the info animes = mal.list(stats=True, user=username) if not animes: print_error("Empty query", "username not found", "could not fetch list for user '{}'".format(username), kill=True) user_info = animes.pop("stats") # remove stats from anime list # gather all the numbers total_entries = len(animes) rewatched, episodes, mean_score, scored = 0, 0, 0, 0 for anime in animes.values(): episodes += anime["episode"] # this is watched episodes if anime["rewatching"] != 0: rewatched += anime["rewatching"] # take into account episodes seen in previous watchings episodes += anime["rewatching"] * anime["total_episodes"] if anime["score"] != 0: scored += 1 mean_score += anime["score"] if scored != 0: mean_score /= scored # added two for circle colored + space on each list line_size = 44 + 2 # ↑ code for calculating this was so messy I hardcoded instead # it's 20 spaces for each of the 'sides' and 4 spaces in between them # colored bar. borrowed the bar char from neofetch bar = "█" colors = ["green", "blue", "yellow", "red", "gray"] lists = ["watching", "completed", "onhold", "dropped", "plantowatch"] colored = str() if total_entries != 0: # to prevent division by zero for i, status in enumerate(lists): entries = int(user_info[status]) bars = round(line_size * (entries / total_entries)) colored += color.colorize(bar * bars, colors[i]) else: colored = color.colorize(bar * line_size, "white") # format the lines to print more easily afterwards template = { "days": user_info["days_spent_watching"], "mean_score": "{:.2f}".format(mean_score), "watching": user_info["watching"], "completed": user_info["completed"], "hold": user_info["onhold"], "plan": user_info["plantowatch"], "dropped": user_info["dropped"], "total_entries": str(total_entries), "episodes": str(episodes), "rewatched": str(rewatched), "padd": "{p}" # needed to format with padding afterwards } def point_color(color_name): return color.colorize("● ", color_name, "bold") lines = [ "Days: {days}{padd}Mean Score: {mean_score}", colored, (point_color("green"), ["Watching:{padd}{watching}", "Total Entries:{padd}{total_entries}"]), (point_color("blue"), ["Completed:{padd}{completed}", "Rewatched:{padd}{rewatched}"]), (point_color("yellow"), ["On-Hold:{padd}{hold}", "Episodes:{padd}{episodes}"]), (point_color("red"), ["Dropped:{padd}{dropped}"]), (point_color("gray"), ["Plan to Watch:{padd}{plan}"]) ] # add info to lines and format them to look nice def padd_str(string, final_size): return string.replace("{p}", " " * (final_size - len(string) + len("{p}"))) lines = [ padd_str(line.format_map(template), line_size) if not isinstance(line, tuple) else # first format each side, then add padding then join with the tab line[0] + (" " * 4).join(padd_str(side.format_map(template), 20) for side in line[1]) for line in lines ] print(color.colorize("Anime Stats", "white", "underline")) print("\n".join(lines))
[docs]def find(mal, regex, filtering='all', extra=False, user=None): """Find all anime in a certain status given a regex.""" items = mal.find(regex, extra=extra, user=user) if len(items) == 0: print(color.colorize("No matches in list ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ", 'red')) return # filter the results if necessary if filtering != 'all': items = [x for x in items if x['status_name'] == filtering] n_items = color.colorize(str(len(items)), 'cyan', 'underline') print("Matched {} items:".format(n_items)) # pretty print all the animes found sorted_items = sorted(items, key=itemgetter('status'), reverse=True) for index, item in enumerate(sorted_items): anime_pprint(index + 1, item, extra=extra)
[docs]def edit(mal, regex, changes): """Select and change entry. Opens file with data to change if no field was given.""" # find the correct entry to modify (handles animes not found) entry = select_item(mal.find(regex, extra=True)) if not changes: # open file for user to choose changes manually tmp_path = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/mal_tmp' editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR', '/usr/bin/vi') # write information to tmp file with open(tmp_path, 'w') as tmp: tmp.write('# change fields for "{}"\n'.format(entry['title'])) tmp.write('status: {}\n'.format(mal.status_names[entry['status']])) for field in ['score', 'tags']: tmp.write('{}: {}\n'.format(field, entry[field])) # open the file with the default editor[editor, tmp_path]) # read back the data into a dict if any changes were made with open(tmp_path, 'r') as tmp: lines = [l for l in'\n') if l and not l.startswith('#')] # delete tmp file, we don't need it anymore os.remove(tmp_path) changes = dict() for field, value in [tuple(l.split(':')) for l in lines]: field, value = field.strip(), value.strip() if field == 'status': value = str(mal.status_codes[value]) if str(entry[field]) != value: changes[field] = value if not changes: return # change entry for field, new in changes.items(): if field == 'add_tags': if entry.get('tags') is None: entry['tags'] = new else: entry['tags'] += ' ' + new else: entry[field] = new # if the entry didn't have a tag before and none was provived by # the user as a change we need to remove the entry from the dict # to prevent the api from thinking we want to add the 'None' tag if entry.get('tags') is None: entry.pop('tags') # send it back to update response = mal.update(entry['id'], entry) report_if_fails(response)
[docs]def anime_pprint(index, item, extra=False): """Pretty print an anime's information.""" padding = int(math.log10(index)) + 3 remaining_color = ('blue' if item['episode'] < item['total_episodes'] else 'green') remaining = '{episode}/{total_episodes}'.format_map(item) in_rewatching = ('#in-rewatching-{rewatching}'.format_map(item) if item['rewatching'] else '') template = { 'index': index, 'padding': ' ' * padding, 'status': MyAnimeList.status_names[item['status']].capitalize(), 'title': color.colorize(item['title'], 'red', 'bold'), 'remaining': color.colorize(remaining, remaining_color, 'bold'), 'score': color.score_color(item['score']), 'rewatching': (color.colorize(in_rewatching, 'yellow', 'bold')) } # add formating options for extra info if extra: template.update({ 'start': item['start_date'] if item['start_date'] != '0000-00-00' else 'NA', 'finish': item['finish_date'] if item['finish_date'] != '0000-00-00' else 'NA', 'tags': item['tags'] }) message_lines = [ "{index}: {title}".format_map(template), ("{padding}{status} at {remaining} episodes " "with score {score} {rewatching}".format_map(template)) ] # the extra information lines if extra: message_lines.extend([ "{padding}Started: {start} \t Finished: {finish}".format_map(template), "{padding}Tags: {tags}".format_map(template) ]) print('\n'.join(message_lines), "\n")